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Literature Review
Article 3
Yesil-Dagli, U. (2011). Predicting ELL Students' Beginning First Grade English Oral Reading Fluency from Initial Kindergarten Vocabulary, Letter Naming, and Phonological Awareness Skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26(1), 15-29. Retrieved from Science Direct.
This study investigates the predictive role of English letter naming fluency, initial sound fluency, and vocabulary skills from kindergarten entry for first grade English oral reading fluency. The study also examined how ELL students' kindergarten and first grade English language literacy skills varied by their demographic characteristics. The results of the study discussed that kindergarten English letter naming fluency was the best predictor. The demographic characteristics were also broken down.
Article 4:
Malmberg, L., Mwaura, P., & Sylva, K. (2011). Effects of a Preschool Intervention on Cognitive Development among East-African Preschool Children: A Flexibly Time-Coded Growth Model. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26(1), 124-133. Retrieved from Science Direct.
This study investigate the effects of the Madrasa Resource Center(MRC), on East-African preschool children's cognitive development. The Madrasa Resource Center is a child-centered intervention program. This study will investigate the intervention effects up to the end of preschool. A flexibly coded time-variable with and age residualized score are used to make a more precise cognitive measure and they use a three-level multilevel model to account for differences in classroom practices. The results show a beneficial curvilinear effect of the intervention program on the preschooler's cognitive gains.
Article 5
Grant, J., & Suddendorf, T. (2011). Production of Temporal Terms by 3-, 4-, and 5-Year-Old Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26(1), 87-95. Retrieved from Science Direct.
This research study was to investigate and gather data about children's use and accuracy of a broad range of common temporal terms. They used correlation and difference analyses to document the pattern of development. This study is a first step toward establishing an integrated picture of the emergence of temporal terms. In the study parents were asked to report their child was producing a word from eighteen common temporal terms that were given to them. They also tested how accurately and frequently the children used the terms. The results of the study are examined.
Article 6
Molfese, V. J., Modglin, A. A., Beswick, J. L., Neamon, J. D., Berg, S. A., Berg, C., & Molnar, A. (2006). Letter Knowledge, Phonological Processing, and Print Knowledge: Skill Development in Nonreading Preschool Children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(4), 296-305. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete.
This research focuses on preschool children from low income families and how they develop cognitive skills and their development of reading. The study investigated the fall to spring gains in letter identification. It also compared with skills in phonological processing, rhyme detection, and environmental print. They used a screen tool called Get Ready to Read to also test the preschoolers performance. They predicted that the students might show slow skill development because of their low income back ground. The results were discussed and they found that with more knowledge of the characteristics of the students with the most variations in skill development may lead to insights into developing curriculum to focus on skill development.
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