Artifact 6 Report
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by Janice Wilson Butler 12 years, 9 months ago
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Juan M. Garcia
EDTC 6332: Practicum in Educational Technology
Capstone Project
Project Description:
The Capstone Project is a culmination of the skills and knowledge we have gained from our course work in the Educational Technology program. In this capstone project I proposed a need in a real-world context and devise a solution. The deliverables for the capstone project were an instructional design plan and an instructional solution. I adopted the Dick and Carey model for my instructional design. The instructional solution was in the form of an interactive training video. The instructional goal for this project was: Using the Eduphoria web based software, Teachers will create a new lesson planner with lesson plans for subjects they teach, access student data, submit a work order to be completed in the classroom and sign up for professional development.
Responsibilities Met:
Responsibility 2: Design. The candidate will design instruction (or human performance strategies) to meet the needs of learners. Design documents and projects must show evidence of analysis of problem situation, awareness of unique characteristics of intended audience and implications for instruction, selection and implementation instructional strategies consistent with analysis of the learning situation and intended learners, selection and justification of appropriate medias, and evidence of both formative and summative evaluation strategies.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
2.1 Demonstrates ability to perform analysis and documentation of instructional need or opportunity resulting in student-centered, performance based instructional objectives based upon, and appropriate for, a specific audience.
2.2 Demonstrates ability to perform comprehensive task analysis of an instructional objective.
2.3 Demonstrates ability to select and integrate into instruction a variety of research-based instructional strategies.
2.4 Demonstrates ability to develop and select appropriate assessment instruments.
2.5 Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluations for iterative assessments of components of the design process.
2.1 Documentation of the analysis and instructional need was developed in Part 2 of the Capstone project. The description of the target audience and learning context was written in part 2, design document. The instructional goal developed was: Using the Eduphoria web based software, Teachers will create a new lesson planner with lesson plans for subjects they teach, access student data, submit a work order to be completed in the classroom and sign up for professional development.
2.2 In capstone project part 2, a comprehensive task analysis of the instructional goal was conducted. The comprehensive task analysis was broken down into the task analysis and a learner and context analysis.
2.3 The overall instructional design of the this project was based on the Dick and Carey Systems Approach Model for Designing Instruction. The instructional strategies were based on Gagnes five major learning components which are pre-intsructional activities, content presentation, learner participation, assessment, and follow-through activities.
2.4 The assessment instruments that were developed for this project were short answer and True and False questions after each terminal objective. The assessments is appropriate because the questions were based on the content they learned through each terminal objective. The learners also had to produce a portfolio assessment, which was sample of each terminal object completed successfully.
2.5 I used a subject matter expert, one-to-one evaluation, and a small group evaluation as my formative evaluations for iterative assessments of components of the design process.
Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
3.1 Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.
3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.
3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement.
3.4 Uses the results of evaluation methods to revise and update instructional materials.
3.1 To develop instruction I used text, audio, and video. The instructional solution is an interactive training video made using Camtasia software.
3.2 My rationale for utilizing these technologies were that research has shown that using multimedia enhances the learners ability to retain information.
3.3 In the capstone project part 1, I created a proposal of my project that included a timeline for each major component of my project. I was also given feedback and made improvements to my project based on the feedback.
3.4 Throughout the project the professor would provide feedback that I used to revise and update my instructional materials.
Responsibility 4: Evaluation.The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
4.1 Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluation strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.
4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives.
4.4 Documents results from formative evaluations and uses those results to revise instructional materials, and/or instructional development process.
4.1 In my formative evaluation of my project, I used a subject matter expert, one-to-one evaluation and a small group evaluation to evaluate the quality of instruction. From their feedback they thought the quality of instruction was good and that the video would be useful for teachers in the beginning of the school year.
4.3 To check for effectiveness of instruction the formative evaluation was used. The subject matter expert, one-to-one evaluation and a small group evaluation were given questions to answer about the project while they went through the instructional objectives.
4.4 The formative evaluations were documented and the results from their feedback were used to revise my instructional materials. I revised my training video by adjusting the volume in the audio and adding a navigation menu so that the learner could easily navigate back and fourth through the training video.
Modifications Made:
The main modifications I made were on my instructional materials. The instructional material for my capstone project was an interactive multimedia video. I had inserted some callouts but from feedback they were hard to navigate with. To address this problem I added a navigation menu to worked properly and allowed the learner to navigate to the different objectives.
Artifact 6 Report
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